
What’s New in Learning Advantage? Plant Simulation – Getting Started!

Surely I’m not the only one who thought all those countless hours playing The Sims would prove to be important to my career? While The Sims might have been great practice for building your dream zillion-square-foot compound and antagonizing your housemates, it falls a bit short when it comes to planning for industrial-scale logistics, material handling and throughput. For that, you’ll need to check out Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. Whether it is an airport trying to improve passenger baggage handling systems, or a wind turbine manufacturer trying to find more efficient ways to build their turbines, Plant Simulation helps reduce costs and increase productivity.

plantsim.pngThis series of 18 short videos has been compiled into the new Plant Simulation – Getting Started course in Learning Advantage. Topics covered include creating models, classes and exit strategies, 3D basics, animatable objects, modeling with workers, using the experiment manager and lots more!

Learning Advantage is an online learning portal covering all of Siemens Industry Software products. Our Corporate customers pay an annual subscription fee for this resource, which is always FREE to our Academic partners! Ask your instructor or administrator about using Learning Advantage today!

Jennifer Bradford

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