
Access the Free NX 10 Online Tutorial

By KeriD


Whether you are a seasoned NX user or a novice, the NX 10 tutorial e-book will provide you with the means to begin designing at your own pace. Created by Dr. Ming C. Leu with Amir Ghazanfari and Krishna Kolan from the Department of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, this 200-page tutorial highlights the enhanced design flexibility and higher productivity levels of this version over NX 9.

The self-guided tutorial takes the reader through a step-by-step approach to learn NX 10, even with no previous NX experience. Seasoned NX users can quickly learn the new interfaces and functions in the NX 10 version.

Dr. Leu has been releasing tutorials since Unigraphics 18, including NX 2, NX 3, NX 5, NX 7, NX 9, and NX 10. Tutorial readers will be guided through each level of use, from starting an NX 10 session to model creation and design elements with various applications. Each chapter contains screenshots and call out boxes meant to more easily explain the process in a quick-reference-guide style.

If you have questions or comments about the tutorial, Dr. Leu’s contact information can be found on his website.

Keri Delaloye

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