Get to know our new MBSE course in this free webinar

Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on designing and managing complex systems over their lifecycles. Model-Based Syst…

Get a Free Evaluation Copy of New Simcenter Textbook

With the advance of Industry 4.0 the digitalization of the value-chain becomes more and more important. The so-called digital twin allows simulations that are very close to reality. Simulations with …

Free training and curriculum for NX, Teamcenter, Amesim and more with Siemens Xcelerator Academy!

What’s better than industrial-strength software, real-world competitions and a dynamic community? How about free training and curriculum that ties it all together? Did you know that all schools and t…

What’s New in Learning Advantage? Solid Edge Engineering Design and Manufacturing and Automation

One of the many benefits of STEM education is the integration and application of cross curricular content. This allows students to understand the relevance of content learned in other su…

Apply to attend the Simcenter Conference for FREE

This article was written by Nazita and originally appeared in the Simcenter blog.

The Siemens Simcenter Conference, the world’s premier engineering simulation and test event, is tak…

What’s New in Learning Advantage? – Solid Edge Test Drives

The super exciting new resources in Learning Advantage let you literally drive a giant frontloader around a huge dirt pile or a pilot a rowboat across the sea. While the fact that this i…

What’s New in Learning Advantage? – Hydraulics of a Pressure Transducer

There are fundamental questions in the universe that young, bright engineers are learning to answer all the time. How can pressure be reduced or amplified in hydraulic systems? What’s the relationshi…

PACE Finishes Strong as Global Annual Forum Winds Down

The last weekend in July marked the end of an era for the PACE Global Annual Forum and for the 3600 participants from 65 institutions across 12 countries who found their passion in the e…

What’s New in Learning Advantage – Thermodynamics of a Steel Ball in Water

If I recall my physics correctly, the laws of thermodynamics go more or less like this:

You can’t win, you can only break even.
You can only break even at absolute zero.
You can never reach a…