Realize LIVE 2023 Design Hack

Realize LIVE: Siemens Digital Industries Software holds its premier user conference, Realize LIVE, annually in America and Europe. This event…

Understanding Product Lifecyle Management with Cocktails

Learn the basics of Product Lifecycle Management, which comprises a set of methodologies and technologies used to manage the entire…

Winners of the Second Round Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Challenge

Plant Simulation The Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Challenge is a Siemens supported competition that welcomes participants from diverse professional backgrounds to…

Guidance for Academia

Guidance for Academia

Welcome to the guidance for Academia when using Siemens Digital Industries Software! In this guide, we will cover everything you…

Kindergarten / Pre-School „Power Electronics Workshop“

The Kindergarten „Power Electronics Workshop“ is the next level of engaging with future engineers. In two groups of 6 kids…

A Cambodian Industry 4.0 Talent – Interview

Siemens is supporting Cambodia’s education to train and certify hundreds of students each year from secondary to higher education levels…

Students from the Ulsan-Gyeongnam Future Mobility Business Group visited the EWA and SITRAIN DI in Germany

16 students and 2 professors from University of ULSAN Future Mobility Business Group (Hwang Kyu-sun, Industrial Management Engineering, and Kim…

Digital Badges für Abschlussarbeiten

Du hast für deine Bachelor-, Master- oder Doktorarbeit eine Software der Siemens Digital Industries Software eingesetzt? Dann haben wir großartige…

China: K-12 students visited SMIC China that learn digitalization of industry and Industry 4.0

Do you know about Industry 4.0? Are you familiar with digitalization and the Internet of Things? In past months, several…