Enterprise Group: Solid Edge Making Waves in Hungary

If you are dreaming of becoming an engineer in Hungary now is a better time than ever. By supporting educational…

Team Spotlight: The Regal Eagles, a FIRST Robotics Team

The Regal Eagles is a FIRST robotics team of 30 students between grades nine and twelve based out of Bethpage…

Free Siemens Software, Certifications and more!

Free Siemens Software, Certifications and more!

If you’re a student who’s close to graduation, you’re probably thinking how you can build your resume and prepare for…

innovation in the podcast

Podcast Transcript: Preparing Tomorrow’s Engineers

Becoming more powerful everyday, engineering concepts and their respective masters are dealt with a challenge to maintain strict ethical standards….

innovation in the podcast

Innovation in the Classroom: Preparing Tomorrow’s Engineers

Becoming more powerful everyday, engineering concepts and their respective masters are dealt with a challenge to maintain strict ethical standards….

WEEF&GEDC 2021: A Quest For a Sustainable World

Last November, Siemens Global Academic Team participated in the World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) in Madrid, Spain. This international conference…

Aalto University: The Next Generation of Engineering Education

Aalto University in Finland is pioneering a new form of education that focuses on project-oriented collaboration and problem-solving skills using…

Siemens Interns Engage on UC Campus

If you were walking around the University of Cincinnati campus a few weeks ago there was a chance you got…

innovation in the podcast

Podcast Transcript: Finding the Magic in Aerospace for the Next Generation

Join our podcast to immerse yourself in an environment of innovation and exploration. Hear from experienced leaders on how they…