
Enterprise Group: Solid Edge Making Waves in Hungary

If you are dreaming of becoming an engineer in Hungary now is a better time than ever. By supporting educational institutions through mentorship programs, competition hosting, free training, and donations, Enterprise Group leads the way in nurturing the talents of younger generations and developing engineers of the future. Enterprise Group, a Siemens Digital Industries Software approved Solution Partner, holds a strong emphasis in the concept of “lifetime learning” and supporting an engineers development not just through school, but well beyond. Building up an accessible mentorship program, students in their programs have constant support and inspiration to keep them motivated and on track. With many to schools moving to support Enterprise Group software platforms, it’s clear they are doing something right.

The lifetime development of an Enterprise Engineer

Paying it Forward

One of these schools is Dunaújvárosi SZC Bánki Donát Technikum, a technical institute in Dunaújváros, Hungary that was previously rooted to AutoDesk products such as AutoCAD and Inventor. After Enterprise Group presented their quality of support, level of knowledge, and mentorship program the school decided it was best to make the switch. Their students are now learning many of these high-level programs, such as Solid Edge. Some students even compete in an annual Solid Edge competition to display their skills and creations. The effects of Enterprise Group is not limited to organizations, but individuals as well.

Students at Dunaújvárosi SZC Bánki Donát Technikum

The Difference

Ákos Vadász is a first generation engineer, who showed great interest for engineering as early as primary school where he loved drawing design plans for ships. He started his secondary education at Beszédes József MMIK, Magyarkanizsa-Serbia, where he learned Solid Edge. This is the point where Enterprise Group PLM got connected with him through the mentorship program. Later, he took part off several competitions, such as János Neumann International Product Design, and won awards with his Solid Edge knowledge. By the time of his higher-education studies at Budapest University of Technology and Economics he gained so much experience with Solid Edge that he got exempt from CAD studies.

The strong relationship and the professional support of Enterprise Group stayed with him through his higher education as he also participated in the Solid Edge Challenge Competition regularly. Moreover, he spent his internship at the Enterprise Group. Having graduated from university the company helped him find his first job and they stayed in touch. Now he is senior mechanical design engineer at Vegyterv Ltd. and he still attends many Enterprise Group events and webinars.

A view from inside the office of Enterprise Group, Hungary

New Beginnings

After the acquisition of Hungary-based company Siemens Enterprise Communications in 2010, Enterprise Group has quickly expanded their product line to a wide-array of solutions. Paying special attention to the sector-specific IT development and security needs, many have flocked to of the services of Enterprise Group for their premier support and professionalism. Even though they have taken a strong foothold in the corporate world, the importance of academic partnerships and the impact on individuals in society has not been overlooked. Continually building support from the two pillars of the engineering world, corporations and academia, Enterprise Group is showing no signs of slowing down.

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