
Free Siemens Software, Certifications and more!

If you’re a student who’s close to graduation, you’re probably thinking how you can build your resume and prepare for graduation in the spring.

Whether you want to build your resume for an upcoming job search or are just looking for something interesting to learn- we’ve got you covered! Read below to see just a few of our exciting opportunities for students. Click here to head to our website and discover all the of the resources our Academic Program has to offer.


We have a student-exclusive LinkedIn group that includes recruiters as well as other Siemens employees. Request to join the group to keep in touch with latest and greatest at Siemens DISW.

Student LinkedIn Group


Did you know you have access to NX software for FREE? Click here and use your email to download software that’s being used by engineers all around the globe. Pretty cool, right?

Free Software Download


Our online Curriculum is a great way to turn your interests into skills all from the comfort of your own home!

The NX Curriculum is an extensive, self-guided tutorial set from Professor Ming C. Leu, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology. It provides a step-by-step approach for users learning NX. While this curriculum was developed for those with no previous experience with NX, users with NX experience may also find this tutorial helpful to learn the new user interfaces and functions. The book is illustrated with clear screenshots of the NX user interface and images of part models. These models are also included to download and use.

Online Curriculum


The market is great for employees right now and it’s a great time to start building your resume! Utilize our NX Certification to earn an industry-standard credential that will bolster your credibility during the job hunt.


We hope you take advantage of these great resources. For more information about the Siemens Academic Partner Program, join our community by clicking here. To keep up with the latest happenings, head to our blog here.

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