
Meet Students and Faculty at 2015 PACE Annual Forum


To Francisco Fraga from ITESM – Estado de Mexico, PACE Annual Forum was one of the best experiences of his life.

“I personally think that every day in the conference, I did learn something new.”

While language barriers and different time zones were challenges to collaboratively working with schools in other countries, PACE provided Francisco with a chance to grow his engineering and interpersonal skills.

“Computer software is becoming more and more important, especially in the field of automotive engineering,” Yu Chuan Yang from Jilin University said. Watching presentations of fellow students and learning the collaborative student efforts was a great experience for him.

Ana Giampietro, a third year student studying mechanical engineering at Centro Universitario FEI in Brazil, enjoyed the collaborative working experience. Because of her PACE experience, she wants to work in a multinational enterprise after graduation.

“…I’d like to work in multinational enterprise because I can have the kind of contact that I’m having here with people from all over the world. I think that it is really, really nice.”

As a Team 8 member for the RSMS challenge, Ana built the background and rotation table for REVO, the team’s electric vehicle prototype. She also managed the internal issues of the program.

For seven years, Dr. K Chandrashekara has taught how to draw and model for engineering using Solid Edge at SJCE Mysore University Mechanical Engineering Department. It is his sixth year of participating in PACE, and Dr. K says the experience students gain from the competition to learn and familiarize with the advanced industry software has been truly invaluable.

SJCE Mysore University student Srikanth Sawamy said he appreciates the user friendliness aspect of NX.

“NX has been a helping hand to me…NX allows me to design whatever is in my mind, technically and logically correct.”

Learning NX with a friendly instructor is especially fun with a friendly and helpful instructor. Another SJCE student Srinidhi Bukkapatanam said the NX training was “awesome” because the instructor Bob Chalou was willing to answer students’ questions in detail.

Sandesh Nayak from PES Institute of Technology also said it was an “honor” to be trained by Bob Chalou.

“I’m not an expert in NX. Attending the five-day training at PACE increased my confidence level. I’ll start using it regularly and make the most out of it,” Sandesh said.

Kwon Son and Jaetak Cho from SungKyunKwan University in South Korea shared how they used NX and Tecnomatix to create their project. Kwon and Jaetak used Tecnomatix to compile and store information because it allowed them to work on multiple projects.

Kwon and Jaetak also explained how they used NX for the Design for Assembly Analysis (DFDA) project. Kwon and Jaetak used various NX resources from on the Siemens community site to create their model. Learn more about their project below.

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