
What’s New in Learning Advantage? Femap Basics

There are those people who open a box of thoughtfully flat-packed IKEA furniture and start puzzling out how it goes together with nary a second thought about something so pedestrian as directions. Then there are those who approach the same task with a well-considered project plan which includes multiple viewings of the directions, accounting of parts and included hardware, careful analysis of the tools on hand and serious consideration of the condition of the surface upon which the thing will be built. Most of us fall somewhere between these extremes, and for us, the Femap Basics videos are exactly what’s needed to get started with Femap’s finite element analysis.


These short video demos, now available on Learning Advantage, walk you through the essential elements of Femap’s user interface, including:

  • An overview of the Femap user interface showing the layout of the UI panes and menus to help navigate and operate Femap’s modeling and analysis environment

  • An overview of geometry access, preparation and cleanup methods in Femap prior to finite element model creation

  • An overview of element and material property and boundary condition (loads and constraints) creation

  • An overview of finite element model meshing methods and analysis setup and launch in Femap

  • An overview of postprocessing and results reviewing methods in Femap

  • An overview of customization in Femap with program files and the application programming interface

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Jennifer Bradford

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