
What’s New in Learning Advantage? Simcenter Amesim Pendulum Tutorial

math.pngWhat is the value of the oscillation period of a pendulum? Does the value of the mass have an impact on this period? What is the impact of the length? Why didn’t I consider majoring in interpretive dance, anyhow?

You will find the answer to at least three of these questions in the newest tutorial on Pendulum Mechanics in the Academic Resource Center in Learning Advantage, along with loads of great info about using Simcenter Amesim’s system simulation to evaluate the dynamic behavior of a system. Get the free Simcenter Amesim Student Edition and get started!

Starting with building the sketch of your pendulum, you’ll improve your model by adding details:

  • Modeling of the non-rigid chain of the crane

  • Modeling of the trolley translation motion

  • Modeling of the trolley actuation with pulleys and cables

  • Modeling of the trolley control


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Jennifer Bradford

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