
What’s New in Learning Advantage? Solid Edge Engineering Design and Manufacturing and Automation

sie-logo-claim-petrol-rgb.pngOne of the many benefits of STEM education is the integration and application of cross curricular content. This allows students to understand the relevance of content learned in other subjects studied in secondary school. To be effective, a STEM program needs to be fully integrated. The easiest and best way demonstrated so far is with a comprehensive project based curriculum. This helps students answer the questions “Why do I need to know this” and “Where will I ever use this”. The brand new and completely free Siemens Engineering Design and Manufacturing and Automation curriculum packages follow this accepted framework and are now available for download via Learning Advantage!

Project based curriculum allows for deep exploration of a problem. There are 26 projects in the Siemens Engineering Design course and another 20 in the Manufacturing and Automation Course. Each project is designed to allow different student groups to develop several distinct solutions to the same problem. The problem presents the student with an opportunity to plan, organize, and conduct research. Enabling activities can provide students with needed skills and knowledge “just in time”. Students utilize their research in the design, prototyping, testing, evaluation, and redesign of a solution.

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These project based curriculum packages are standards-based, utilizing and documenting dozens of standards within several standards sets. The Siemens Engineering Design and Manufacturing Automation courses utilize the Solid Edge software as a tool, while the Manufacturing and Automation course also uses Solid Edge CAM Pro and TIA Portal software. The object of the courses is the application of the tools to address unique problems, allowing the students to rapidly create and analyze proposed solutions.

Learning Advantage is an online learning portal covering all of Siemens Industry Software products. Our Corporate customers pay an annual subscription fee for this resource, which is always FREE to our Academic partners! Ask your instructor or administrator about using Learning Advantage today!

Jennifer Bradford

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