
What’s New on Learning Advantage? Amesim Student Racing 1D Simulation App!

You might already know that Amesim helps you work faster and smarter by applying a model-based systems engineering approach to analysis and simulation. And by now you probably know that Learning Advantage, which is always free for educational institutions, has an all new Academic Resource Center with great resources specifically designed for the academic community. And you definitely know that projects, competitions and racing are the absolute best part of being an engineering student! But do you know what all three of these things have in common?

app.pngThe new Amesim Student Racing App, that’s what! This super-configurable lightweight app works with any version of Amesim and uses a background model of the cooling circuit of a racecar, including heat flow from the motor, the radiator and the pump. With this 1D model students can study the influence of various parameters, such as ambient temperature, on cooling performance.Another popular use among those who have tested the app has been to determine the correct size for the cooling circuit.

graphs.pngThe app uses a dedicated window for the manipulation of relevant parameters while the simulation continues to run in the background, allowing for fast and efficient parameterization and post processing.

Furthermore, with a little bit of knowledge of Python and a couple hours of familiarization with the standard demos already available in Amesim, you will be a pro at modifying and building your own apps. Because the LMS Amesim Platform is open, powerful and user-friendly, the 1D Simulation Community will be a great resource for sharing, asking questions and learning more about Amesim.

schematic.jpgSo, what will you do with the app? Maybe you’ll add vehicle dynamics variables that take into account lap times, acceleration and braking? Maybe you’ll focus on energy consumption? Maybe you’ll go totally crazy and use the Simcenter Acoustic functionality and get some sound measurement capacity in there? Whatever you do, make sure you share it with us on the Student Racing Forum!

Jennifer Bradford

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at