
Trending aerospace webinars in 2023

It’s been a busy year in the aerospace and defense industries, and we imagine you’ve been busy as well. As we finish out 2023 and look toward a new calendar year, we want to share some of our trending aerospace webinars from the year. Unsurprisingly, the most popular webinars covered many top-of-mind topics within the industry: digital threads, the push toward sustainable aviation, aircraft certification and urban air mobility.

In case you missed them, we compiled the top five aerospace webinars from 2023. Check out the previews and follow the links to the full recordings below.

The digital thread for aerospace and defense

Digital thread solutions lay the foundation for digital transformation in aerospace and defense. Todd Tuthill, vice president for A&D strategy and marketing for Siemens Digital Industries software, and Jim Roche, aerospace and defense practice director for CIMdata, cover the latest research on digital threads and where the industry is in its digital transformation. Check out the highlight reel below and then watch the full recording to learn more.

Empower sustainable aviation with digital twins

Sustainability in aerospace has been a big focus in recent years as the industry works toward a climate-neutral future. Two of our most popular aerospace webinars in 2023 focused on sustainable aviation. In this first webinar, our experts discuss how digital twin technology is enabling progress on things like propulsion electrification, alternative fuels, and new aerodynamic configurations and structural architectures. Watch the full webinar.

Sustainable aviation questions, answered

The other popular webinar on sustainable aviation in 2023 focused on answering your questions about sustainability in aerospace. Check out the questions our experts addressed and then watch the full webinar.

Prove aircraft compliance through numerical analysis

Certification is everything in aerospace and defense. In this webinar with the National Institute for Aviation Research, learn how you can speed up and de-risk aircraft certification with numerical analysis supported by physical testing as proof of aircraft compliance. Watch the full webinar.

Urban air mobility challenges

This webinar on urban air mobility rounds out the list of popular aerospace webinars in 2023. Another hot topic within aviation, urban air mobility offers exciting possibilities for the future. In the webinar, learn how a comprehensive digital twin can help UAM manufacturers and suppliers. Watch the full webinar.

We hope you take the time to explore these valuable and informative aerospace webinars on topics and issues that are driving the industry. We’re excited to bring you more great webinar content in the new year.

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