Aprisa and TSMC pave the way for mutual customers’ success at N3E 

Aprisa, the the digital implementation solution from Siemens, is certified for the TSMC N3E process.

Screenshot showing routing in the Aprisa tool.

Bring your HPC design innovations to market faster with Aprisa

With the help of the right place-and-route tool, you can bring your HPC design innovations to market faster with fewer engineering and compute resources.

How place-and-route with intrinsic intelligence solves advanced node challenges

Aprisa place-and-route with intrinsic intelligence is a unique tool for advanced node designs. Easy to adopt, out-of-the-box best PPA, and flexible, Aprisa is the right tool to fit into any digital flow.

Hailo pushes utilization boundaries during physical implementation

Hailo AI achieves high-performance in a small area with Aprisa digital implementation from Siemens Digital Industries Software

space horizon

How IROC Technologies leveraged a new place-and-route tool to tape out an aerospace SoC in three months

In space, having precise, reliable equipment is essential and when experts can’t be precise, they need to know the possible…

Aim for power first for better PPA in place-and-route

Among the key metrics in IC place-and-route—performance, power, and area (PPA) — performance has traditionally been the primary focus. Low…

How to get to design closure faster with place-and-route for advanced nodes

The size and complexity of integrated circuit (IC) designs continues to grow with every technology node. Consequently, design closure time…