Part 2: Impact of ADAS on wire harness design

Part 2: Impact of ADAS on wire harness design

This is Part two in a three part series on ADAS design, to read Part 1: Introduction to  ADAS please…

Part 1: Introduction to ADAS

Part 1: Introduction to ADAS

Among the most rewarding aspects of work at Mentor is the chance to collaborate with our experts around the world…

Why Apple Car will make $Zillions

Why Apple Car will make $Zillions

The Apple Car discussions in the media always seem to default to the design aspect with mockups of what it…

The link (or not) between ADAS and autonomous

The link (or not) between ADAS and autonomous

Looking ahead The auto industry in 2016 is as dynamic as ever, suggesting a market with astonishing momentum. Buzz surrounds…

Shared cars, big data and Pokemon Go

Shared cars, big data and Pokemon Go

In a recent blog I looked at the future of mobility, where electrification, autonomous drive and consumer demand will pull…

Videos now available from IESF 2016

Videos now available from IESF 2016

Here’s one way to measure the success of this year’s IESF in Detroit: record breaking numbers, with over 1,200 attendees…

Automotive is now the convergence of everything

Automotive is now the convergence of everything

We move. Constantly. Inter-state, intra-city and suburban. The car is being replaced by the concept of mobility and is slowly…

Automotive Digitalization and the Customer Relationship

Automotive Digitalization and the Customer Relationship

A current big idea that’s kicking around, one that motivates much of what we’re trying to do with Mentor Automotive…

Asking the wrong question about autonomous vehicles

Asking the wrong question about autonomous vehicles

Another week, another slate of stories on autonomous vehicles. Wall Street Journal Detroit bureau chief, John D. Stoll, reported last…

In case we missed you last month at SAE World Congress

In case we missed you last month at SAE World Congress

I have a post up today over at Ed Sperling’s excellent Semiconductor Engineering site with a few of my reflections…