Digitalization of automotive manufacturing

What’s new in the automotive and transportation industry — May 2022

The checked flag drops on the race to deliver new automotive content in May!

3D render of an ePowertrain chassis for an electrified vehicle

What’s new in the automotive industry — April 2022

April showers bring… many webinars? April was packed with behind-the-scenes work on creating a breadth of automotive live webinars for May— Take a look!

Digitalization of automotive manufacturing

What’s new in the automotive industry — March 2022

Before we spring into the next quarter, we’re wrapping up the month with what’s new in the automotive industry.

Digitalization of automotive manufacturing

What’s new in the automotive industry — February 2022

Discover how automotive companies can benefit from digitalization across product development, manufacturing and lifecycle processes. Below are some of our…

Designers working with engineers to establish product definition in new product development.

Next-generation design for the automotive industry today

Electrification and automation are changing the face of the automotive industry. The requirements of battery and thermal management, sensor engineering, and connectivity dramatically…

Digitalization of automotive manufacturing

What’s new in the automotive industry — January 2022

As we move into the new year, the dynamic development in the automotive industry continues to increase and confront companies…

Autonomous vehicles detecting a pedestrian walking across a busy city street.

How to manage E/E systems development for autonomous vehicles

Due to technological advances and changing consumer trends, the complexity of vehicle development has increased dramatically over the last few…

Man walking across street with phone and vehicles on street scanning him

Five disruptive trends driving autonomous vehicle development

The automotive industry is experiencing unprecedented changes driven by disruptive innovations and customer demand for a new driving experience leading…

Multi-target, multi-source fusion in autonomous driving – an introduction

Multi-target, multi-source fusion in autonomous driving – an introduction

In my last blogs, I considered some of the concepts for deploying machine learning within autonomous driving applications. In the…

Autonomous Driving – Effective utilisation of machine learning

Autonomous Driving – Effective utilisation of machine learning

My last blog introduced some of the key technology challenges in sensing and perception for autonomous driving. Now I would like…