
Tecnomatix Process Simulate Collaborate – a new Siemens SaaS offering now available on AWS Marketplace

What if you took 3D simulation and combined it with robotic processes and automation?

Is that the new wave in industrial cloud-based computing? It certainly looks like it. Despite the many headwinds manufacturers face today, the one area with crazy momentum is digital manufacturing for the smart factory.

Read Deloitte’s 2023 Manufacturing Industry Outlook for the complete findings and details.

With such a promising future in cloud-based robotics and automation, Siemens is pleased to announce Process Simulate Collaborate in the Tecnomatix portfolio, as a fully-fledged SaaS offering now available on AWS Marketplace.

Why should you care?

First and foremost, Process Simulate Collaborate is an easy application to test – or purchase via the cloud. AWS has added this offering to the continuously expanding line-up of Siemens SaaS offerings. You can see all Siemens AWS SaaS offerings here which include Mendix, NX X, Teamcenter on the Cloud and so much more.

But what makes Process Simulate Collaborate so unique? It opens up a world of opportunity for cloud-based collaboration using 3D simulation and visualization. Here’s a tool that allows you to review and analyze factory production lines and robotic workcells. It extends the digital twin of your production line directly from Process Simulate software so multiple teams across different domains can participate and review the study in real-time. The web-based software is accessible from a variety of devices including desktops and tablets. Ultimately, Process Simulate Collaborate reduces costs, saves time and increases productivity in ways you never thought possible.

Take a quick look at this demonstration video:

Process Simulate Collaborate allows participants to review studies independently or collaboratively, improving productivity and collaboration
through 3D visualization and simulation.

The latest example of our involvement
in industrial operations

Have you heard of the Siemens best-in-class Industrial Operations X portfolio? Industrial Operations X is quickly setting new benchmarks in digital transformation with a broad range of products and services. Many of the services found within this portfolio are for industrial operations looking to integrate operational technology (OT) with information technology (IT). This initiative combines IT and software capabilities with automation and Machine Learning (ML) along with built-in data analytics to increase adaptability, scalability and flexibility.

From production design, planning and simulation, to actual product design and simulation, to the automation of the entire production process, Siemens is the leader in Industrial Operations X software and services. All of this is made possible through Siemens Xcelerator (now available as a SaaS offering), an open and integrated business platform. Siemens Xcelerator provides a broad range of services and solutions that include product lifecycle management (PLM), manufacturing execution systems (MES), industrial Edge computing and tools for IT/OT convergence and connectivity.

Speed, scale and sustainability

That’s what today’s manufacturers are looking for. And that’s what Siemens delivers whether it’s through AWS Marketplace, Siemens Industrial Operations X, Siemens Xcelerator, or a specific application such as Tecnomatix Process Simulate Collaborate. Learn more about AWS Marketplace here.

Visit the Siemens and AWS partnership website for more details on how Siemens and AWS are working together. Check out AWS Marketplace to begin your test run with Process Simulate Collaborate today.

There’s even a community where you can exchange and learn new ideas. Or stop by the Tecnomatix blog for the latest updates on cloud-based collaboration and other news.

Scott Salzwedel

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at