
SAFE at home! Attending the Samsung SAFE forum in 2020

By Shelly Stalnaker – Mentor, A Siemens Business

Samsung is going virtual with their 2020 SAFE forum, and Mentor, a Siemens business will be right in the thick of the action. On October 28, attendees will be able to view presentations by Mentor highlighting their collaboration with Samsung on multiple technologies and innovations.

Joe Sawicki Keynote: Pervasive Digitalization

Joe Sawicki, executive vice-president of Mentor IC, will lead off with his keynote address, Pervasive Digitalization of Everything Based on Ever-Increasing Complexity of Silicon. Joe is a leading expert in IC nanometer design and manufacturing challenges, and is often asked to share insights and opinions at industry events.

In the technical presentations, Mentor will be represented by two teams highlighting our collaboration with Samsung on the resolution of critical issues and challenges facing the semiconductor industry.

Multi-Die Initiative

Mentor/Siemens MDI packaging solution to improve design and manufacturing integrity with thermal and reliability optimization
Speakers: John Ferguson and Keith Felton

Advanced high-density packages such as high-density fan-out wafer level packaging (FOWLP) bring design challenges that traditional organic laminate processes and design tools struggle with and often fail to satisfy. We discuss the process and design flow Mentor developed through partnerships with leading foundries and OSATs that are now driving high-volume production. Our goal is to provide real-world experience, observations, guidance and recommendations for package designers embarking on the design of high density FOWLP packages.  

Early Design Verification

Samsung and Mentor collaborate to put Chip Verification on a Fast Track with Calibre Reconnaissance
Speaker(s): Hend Wagieh, John Ferguson

The Calibre Reconnaissance functionalities for DRC and LVS enable designers to find and eliminate systemic design issues in early verification runs, even when designs are incomplete, blocks are immature, and chips are only partially integrated. The Samsung Foundry was an early partner and endorser of the Calibre Recon functionality, recognizing the benefits it brings to mutual customers in speeding up verification iterations and driving accelerated verification cycles. We present the Calibre nmDRC-Recon and nmLVS-Recon verification processes, and discuss results obtained for real-world designs.

To ensure you can attend all of these presentations, register today!

Shannon Williams

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