
Simplify your life with Calibre RVE filters!

Sometimes there are simply too many choices in life. Who needs 35 flavors of juice, or 20 different hammers? Having to make decisions gets harder, and takes longer, as you wade through all the options. But wait! What if you could reduce your choices down to just those few that really matter to you?

Fortunately, the Calibre® RVE™ interface anticipated this very predicament for designers faced with debugging a long list of DRC errors. Maybe you really only need to see and debug a few key errors, so all that irrelevant information is just cluttering up the process. By applying a few user-defined filters, you can quickly trim that list to show just the errors that really need your immediate attention. To make it even easier and faster, the filter option lets you include and/or exclude errors. With one short selection process, you can define a custom check list that only displays the errors you want to see.

Want to learn how to use this cool feature? Watch our How-To video (link below), and you’ll be simplifying and speeding up your debug process in no time. Which gives you more time to compare those 20 different hammers…

Watch: How To Include and Exclude Rule Checks using Calibre RVE filters


Shannon Williams


2 thoughts about “Simplify your life with Calibre RVE filters!
  • I want to reuse the filter again and again. Whenever I invoke a new calibre sessions filter created are getting there any way I can restore these filter which I set in previous sessions

  • Hi Sarath,
    Once you create your filters, are you saving them? If so, the filters should automatically be saved to your RVE preferences file(.rvedb) and should be available to use across RVE sessions. Check to see where your .rvedb file is located ($HOME/$PWD/etc) and whether the MGC_RVEDB_DIR environment variable is pointing to your .rvedb file? If you still cannot get it to work, please contact your local Calibre AE and open a service request.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at