
EDA in the cloud—your questions answered

By Michael White – Mentor, A Siemens Business

EDA in the cloud…learn why the cloud has become a viable and necessary option for IC verification, and how your company can best use cloud resources to expand your compute options.

Pressure on compute resources, and the corresponding pressure to meet demanding time to market schedules, has been building in the integrated circuit (IC) verification space for some time now. Design teams find themselves jockeying for adequate resource levels to complete their verification runs on time. With access to dramatically more resources in a public cloud, who wouldn’t want to shorten their time to tape out?

Cloud computing, which involves actually transferring your data and processes to another company’s computers, seemed far too risky for IC design companies for many years. Now, with improved security structures and processes, not taking advantage of the massive compute resources available on the cloud may actually be the riskier approach – because your competitor is likely planning to use more CPUs in the cloud to beat you to market.

Of course, as kids these days would say, YMMV (your mileage may vary). Each company has a unique set of resources, technologies, and processes, as well as a unique set of market demands and priorities. Deciding how and when to adopt EDA in the cloud is not a trivial matter.

That’s where my new white paper, EDA in the cloud—Why now? comes in. Along with a little bit of a history lesson on how we got to this point, it provides some practical guidance on how you can assess your readiness for cloud computing, and a description of best practices that can help you get the greatest value from your investment.

If you’re contemplating EDA in the cloud, or you’ve already started, but aren’t sure you’re getting all the ROI you could be, download your copy!

Shannon Williams

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