
Collaboration and innovation thrive on diversity

Back in November 2019, just a few short months before we all began an enforced year of isolation and separation, a remarkable act of unification occurred. On the surface, the International Conference on Reliability and Stress-related Phenomena in Nano and Microelectronic (IRSP) may have seemed like just another industry conference, albeit one with a very focused subject area. Surely this would be a gathering of specialists who would view highly-detailed presentations on esoteric topics of little interest to the general semiconductor industry.

Dr. Valeriy Sukharev, Technical Lead and Principal Engineer in the Design-to-Silicon division of Siemens Digital Industries Software

In fact, it turned out to be a highly successful exchange between two often disparate industry communities, design and fundamental research. Dr. Valeriy Sukharev, Technical Lead and Principal Engineer in the Design-to-Silicon division of Siemens Digital Industries Software, was the conference chair for the 2019 event. Dr. Sukharev was able to work with the selection committee to find experts and topics that could speak to and engage both communities on issues relevant to current real-world design implementation processes and tools, as well as to research and development activities focused on future solutions and innovations.

The value of this blending of diverse disciplines and expertise is that it enables participants to engage with the topics both from their own perspective and from a different, yet still relevant, point of view that can stimulate and inspire new theories and approaches to be considered and investigated.

To further support that exchange, Dr. Sukharev served as a guest editor for the American Vacuum Society’s Journal in which the conference papers were published, along with other related research. If you’d like to browse the topics included in the collection, you can find them here.

Siemens Digital Industries Software is proud to support our talented and dedicated employees who volunteer to take on activities such as these in an effort to enhance expertise, expand innovation, and advance the technologies that help “move the needle” forward in our complex and challenging world.

Shannon Williams

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