
Experience Better Drawing with Catchbook 1.3

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Catchbook version 1.3 is now available for download. If you haven’t tried the drawing app from Siemens PLM Software yet, there is no better time than now! Catchbook increases your productivity and helps you to plan any project, big or small. And now with the latest version, you get an even better drawing experience. Read on to learn how.


The 1.3 update brings quite a few welcome changes to Catchbook. One of the most exciting is expanded availability that includes 5 new countries. If you live in Austria, Brazil, India, Mexico, or Korea you can download Catchbook and start using the app today! See the full list of 23 countries where Catchbook is available.

The community provided a lot of helpful feedback on the app—particularly in the area of initial customer experience—and we heard you loud and clear. As a result, you will find a number of cool features, as well as many highly requested improvements to existing functionality, all of which have been carefully designed to make you more productive as you draw, capture, and share your ideas using the Catchbook app. We are continuing to work on the initial experience for version 1.4 as well.

Among the many changes you’ll see are an easier way to get started with Catchbook thanks to a new approach to trial. Instead of having to subscribe to try out Catchbook Drawing, there is now an unlimited free trial drawing page. Simply download Catchbook for free, open the trial page, and test out this amazing functionality.

Catchbook Drawing converts freehand ink into precise mathematical curves as you draw. These curves are entirely editable; push, pull, move and snap them with just the touch of a finger. Drawing also provides automatic dimensions you can place and edit. Look for a follow up post in the Catchbook tutorials section of the community to learn more about the new free trial method.

Not only is it easier to try Catchbook, but we’ve also added some cool new features to help get you up to speed and drawing accurately in no time. You get improved customer assistance with tooltips; simply press-hold a button or hover over it with an active stylus to see a description of what any button does.

You also get more control over drawing accuracy thanks to some improvements and new functionality. Snap by increments is just one example. Changing the zoom level will now also set the “drawing accuracy” used during curve creation and editing. When editing curves, you can now interactively snap a dimension to exact increments, such as every 10mm. You can also snap newly drawn curves to “sensible” values. For example, create a line with a length of 25.2 rather than 25.19347.

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 In addition, there are more than 25 useful enhancements and fixes we think you’ll love! Now when you double-tap the background of a page in Catchbook, it will not only cycle between fitting page width and height, but will also fit the page to a 1:1 scale. This makes it easier to move between drawing fine details and viewing the entire drawing as a whole. Another change to page displays occurs when loading a binder. Now, when you load a binder the page automatically fits to the screen size. 

Other changes include an improved default location of small dimensions and radial dimensions, support of horizontal and vertical dimensions between ellipses, support access to all Wi-Fi networks, and improved drawing and image display performance for certain devices.

You can see the full list of changes in the Catchbook 1.3 release notes.

Download Catchbook or update to the latest version today!

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