
Webinar: How industrial IoT enables innovative, safe and sustainable food & beverage manufacturing

The food and beverage is one of the world’s most volatile and fragmented industries today. It must be innovative, agile, cost-effective, dependable, safe, sustainable, and transparent. As a result, companies in this industry have set lofty goals to reduce costs, increase productivity, reduce waste, and improve sustainability. The key to tackling this challenge is digitalizing your production processes with industrial IoT.

But getting started with digitalization can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to start. View this on-demand webinar where we hear from Fabrizio Nisi and Enmanuel Velázquez on current industry challenges and how leveraging industrial IoT for data, insights, and transparency can help further industry goals.

Watch Now:

Lorraine Abazeri

As a passionate advocate for sustainable innovation in the consumer products and consumer packaged goods industry, I am excited about the incredible strides we're witnessing at Siemens and the remarkable work being done by Blendhub. The concept of transforming everyday access to nutritious food on a global scale is a cause that deeply resonates with me. The way Blendhub is redefining food production, bringing it closer to those who need it the most, is not just inspiring; it's a blueprint for the future. Being part of a team at Siemens that supports these transformative initiatives gives me a sense of pride and optimism. Every day, we're not just talking about change; we're actively participating in making it happen. I am excited to see how technology is leveraged to forge a more sustainable, accessible, and healthier world for for everyone, everywhere.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at