
Deoleo: How the global leader in olive oil production used digitalization to drive sustainability

In the age of disruption, digitalization is changing business models and manufacturing approaches across the consumer products and goods (CPG) industry. The rate of innovation in digital technologies and their ability to disrupt traditional processes is becoming an important factor in global competition. These changes put more pressure on consumer products and goods manufacturing professionals while also opening up new business opportunities.

Deoleo is a global leader in the production of olive oil. The company’s goal was to be an industry leader in promoting sustainability, transparency, and efficiency while maintaining rigorous, well-defined quality standards. The biggest challenge was whether they could carry out their sustainability strategies efficiently and meet all of their objectives.

Deloleo sought an effective digital system backed by a prominent company with proven experience with this type of solution and a wide range of implementation partners to assist them in managing the enormous number of variables they face along the entire value chain to achieve their goal. After researching various solution providers, Deoleo realized that Siemens Digital Industries Software Opcenter Quality software was the tool that could help them accomplish their objectives and overcome the following challenges:

  • Allows integration of the processes of their departments
  • Streamline document control
  • Improve time between production phases prior to modeling
  • Facilitate quality control
  • Transparent communication
  • Reduce environmental footprint

The powerhouse in olive oil production has found that digitalization through LIMS and MES is key to ensuring that quality control processes and plans are rigorously carried out to ensure food safety.

“We can show it to the consumer transparently through traceability records at all stages of a product’s value chain, from the olive tree to the consumer’s table.” Rafael Pérez de toro, Chief Quality Officer at Deleo.

Siemens has enabled Deoleo to recognize the value and world-class capabilities of the Opcenter solution, where they have seen visible improvements in efficiency and control across all phases, allowing them to meet their goals of reducing their environmental footprint and achieving zero waste.

Read more on how a smart and integrated manufacturing operations solution can help your CPG enterprise to realize business benefits.

Lorraine Abazeri

As a passionate advocate for sustainable innovation in the consumer products and consumer packaged goods industry, I am excited about the incredible strides we're witnessing at Siemens and the remarkable work being done by Blendhub. The concept of transforming everyday access to nutritious food on a global scale is a cause that deeply resonates with me. The way Blendhub is redefining food production, bringing it closer to those who need it the most, is not just inspiring; it's a blueprint for the future. Being part of a team at Siemens that supports these transformative initiatives gives me a sense of pride and optimism. Every day, we're not just talking about change; we're actively participating in making it happen. I am excited to see how technology is leveraged to forge a more sustainable, accessible, and healthier world for for everyone, everywhere.

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