
Getting the chemistry right for a seamless circular economy

Reuse, refurbish, recycle: The circular economy is having a profound impact on value-adding industrial processes. In chemical logistics, this means that the supply chain is becoming the linchpin of an industrial ecosystem that consolidates and links the individual stages of the circular economy into a perfect whole. But how does this work, and how do you keep the big picture when so many supply chain partners are involved?

What a circular economy needs

Sophisticated software solutions make it possible to manage the sequence of processes in the circular economy without reinventing the wheel. What it takes is a willingness to rethink many steps along the way, from product design to packaging solutions. It also requires centralized planning and control tools that keep the circle intact. This includes cloud-based logistics solutions that allow you to manage the cross-enterprise flow of data and materials: a control tower for end-to-end supply chain visibility and monitoring, and a digital twin that lets you plan processes and scenarios without risk and simulate their impact on the material cycle.

Siemens Digital Logistics at LogiChem 2024

The tools offered by Siemens Digital Logistics enable a circular economy that runs like clockwork, in the chemical industry and beyond, by bringing together the real and digital worlds. They deliver a new measure of visibility and efficiency in logistical processes and help sustainably reduce transport emissions.

How does that work? Come find out at LogiChem 2024, taking place in Rotterdam, March 12–14. Sven Durian will talk about “How to create sustainable supply chains in the chemical industry and accelerate decarbonization without sacrificing resilience and cost,” explaining how you can lay the foundation for a successful circular economy in the chemical industry with solutions from Siemens Digital Logistics.

Does everything in your business revolve around the circular economy? If so, our experts would love to chat with you. Drop us a line at to book a personal consultation.

Author Info:
Christian Wendt
ID: 88251

Christian Wendt

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