
Tessent SSN and Data Packets

The Tessent Scan Streaming Network (SSN) is a powerful tool that facilitates efficient testing of integrated circuits (ICs) by optimizing the delivery and management of test data. A crucial aspect of this technology is packetized data, which plays a key role in achieving streamlined test data delivery.

When sending test data through the SSN buses, Tessent divides and organizes the data into different packets. These packets are then transmitted through the SSN bus one at a time. This method ensures that test data is delivered in an ordered and deterministic fashion, allowing each core to retrieve the intended data from the packets. The construction of a packet considers many factors, including the IC design, test data requirements, and other testing or functional parameters. Tessent also has the capability to adjust the parameters of SSN buses based on the packet configuration to ensure the highest efficiency in test data distribution. For more details about SSN packets, please refer to this article.

Packetized data delivery, combined with the SSN, offers several benefits. It not only provides high-speed data delivery but also enables imbalanced data delivery and independent testing of cores. Imbalanced data delivery allows Tessent to adjust the data delivery rate to each core based on its needs. Core independence means that each core can execute its test procedures as soon as the data is available, thereby reducing the overall test time. Lastly, packetized data delivery scales effectively. Regardless of how the SSN is configured, Tessent can generate suitable packetized data to maintain efficiency and reduce design overhead.

For Support and training information on Tessent SSN, please refer to Support Center and Siemens’ Xcelerator Academy (

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Jack Zhamkochyan
NA Support Application Engineering Manager - Tessent

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