
Capital Podcast: “Design Tools and Practices – Past, Present and into the Future”

Today we’re in the early stages of the digital transformation. To appreciate just how far we’ve come, it makes sense to take a moment and look back at the tools we used throughout the decades before model-based design, 3D CAD – even the desktop computer. Yes, that far back.

In this episode, “Design Tools and Practices – Past, Present and into the Future” we discuss the tools and methodologies electrical engineers have used in the past. The popular tools used today. And the promise of what future tools might bring. The industry has gone through numerous catalysts, or inflection points that have fostered change over the years, and we’ll discuss a few of these catalysts. We’ll talk about the impetus behind these catalysts and how these catalysts changed the landscape for the better.

Of course, we’ll also talk about our current catalyst – the digital transformation.

Listen to episode #2 here.

Capital today – and into the future

Capital has been involved in electrical system development for the past 20 years. It offered a model-based approach before the digital enterprise took off. Just recently, Capital’s electrical and electronic systems development environment has been expanded beyond electrical distribution systems, to electrical systems modeling and optimization, electronics software and networks. Capital is now a comprehensive E/E development environment with direct ties to the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio. The Xcelerator portfolio has tentacles that extend into many of Siemens’ most popular PLM, ALM, and systems engineering solutions.

If you’re curious to learn more about our new Capital E/E Systems development environment, please visit the Capital E/E Systems website. Also, if you want to read my blog on the new Siemens Capital E/E Systems development environment, please read “The Capital E/E Systems development solution. Exactly how has Capital evolved?

You can also sign up to attend this on-demand webinar, Six Ways to Reduce Aerospace and Defense Program Risk. There’s a white paper, too. Check out “A closer look: Next generation electrical systems platform development

That should do it for now.

Oh, and here’s the first episode from the Capital Talking Aerospace Today podcast series.

Anthony Nicoli

Anthony leads the aerospace business for Mentor’s Integrated Electrical Systems segment (IES). He is charged with expanding IES’s contribution to this market. Prior to this role, he led the Mentor Graphics technical sales team serving The Boeing Company. He joined Mentor in 1999, growing to lead the marketing organization for Mentor Graphics’ integrated circuit physical verification product line, Calibre, before joining Mentor’s sales team. He spent nearly twenty years in the defense industry, developing electro-optic and electro-acoustic systems and businesses, where he contributed to the tactical missile countermeasure and underwater imaging domains. He holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Masters in Business Administration from Northeastern University.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at