
FAQs for VeSys online!

We recently announced that you can now buy annual VeSys licenses online in the Siemens store. Enjoy this Q&A for more on VeSys online and Click here to shop now!

Why are the key benefits of VeSys?

VeSys is a suite of wiring and harness design software tools for the demanding requirements of companies where ease-of-use and value are as important as capability. Optimized for rapid deployment and easy installation, VeSys helps you achieve dramatic ROI using powerful yet intuitive functionality.

VeSys Design and VeSys Harness tools can be used individually or deployed together allowing wiring design data to flow seamlessly into the associated harness designs to reduce effort and minimize the risk of errors.

  • Rapid, right-first-time, error-free electrical and harness design with numerous validation features including simulation for continuity, voltage drop and current directions and calculations
  • Automated harness engineering for creation of production-ready drawings, BOMs, costings, NC files, and manufacturing reports
  • Integration with 3D CAD systems – model in 3D and engineer the electrical detail with VeSys
  • Designed by engineers, for engineers – intuitive and easy to use, delivered with video tutorials, “how-to” documents, support from an active user community and online training courses

What are the benefits of buying VeSys online?

Buying VeSys on Siemens Digital Exchange makes the software easy to purchase, download and use. Simply purchase using a credit card, download, and use right away. In addition, all the latest updates are a button click away – Siemens Software Center will tell you when there is a new update for VeSys.  Subscriptions renew automatically so you don’t need to worry about expiring. Please see DEX FAQ section for more details –

Do I need to be connected to the internet to use the software?

A network connection is required for first use of the product. After this, you do not need to be constantly connected. You may work for up to one month before the application needs to connect again. As the software gets closer to the connection requirement, messages that you need to connect will appear in the log file.

How can I load some example data to help me get started?

To speed up your design process VeSys installation is provided with free wide selection of different data elements required during wiring and harness design tasks.

The data is available in the data\xml subdirectory of the installation directory. It is categorized by the data type and contains: projects, library, symbols, stylesets, analysis, system data and language dictionary.

To quickly access the import menu for various types of data press Space Bar and enter Import

Can multiple users work on the same project?

Though default installation is configured for single users, VeSys projects can be shared with multiple licensed users. However, this requires changes to the configuration and one install will need to act as a server to all the other installs. The system that is acting as the server can still be used to do work on the project.

Once the server system is set up, other client sessions can point to that server and use the same data while VeSys manager is running. For instructions, please consult the manual.

What should I know before uninstalling the software?

Uninstalling with Siemens Software Center is easy but it will not keep any local data or files. Before uninstalling, you should back up your data following the backup instructions below.

How should I backup / restore my data?

The data can be exported using project/design/library/symbol/parts exports but if you want to export everything with just one command you can use VeSysPremigrate.exe. The executable is located in the bin subdirectory of the installation directory.

The syntax is:
VeSysPremigrate.exe -d -s -j -partlib -as –user

This will run the Premigrate in interactive mode and you will be prompted for userid/password and the location for the export files.

The Premigrate can be also used in the silent mode with following syntax:
VeSysPremigrate.exe -d -s -j -partlib -as -user -u=system -w=manager -f=C:\temp\export

-d    System data
-j    Projects
-s    Symbols
-partlib    Part Libraries
-as    Analysis
-user    User (security) data
-u=    User id of the user performing the export
-w=    Password for the user performing the export
-f=    Existing empty directory

The data created by Premigrate can be imported using VeSysMigrate 

Here is the syntax:
VeSysMigrate.exe -d -s -j -partlib -as -user -u=system -w=manager -f=C:\temp\export

We recommend running VeSysPremigrate regularly to backup your design data.

We hope these answer any outstanding questions you may have had on VeSys and if you have any remaining questions or comments please contact me personally:

Check out our other VeSys online blog: here

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at