
How to use all CPU cycles in multicore ECUs


AUTOSAR software design for multicore ECU devicesAUTOSAR-based software design for multicore devices and best practices to improve ECU performance.

AUTOSAR-based software design for multicore devices and best practices to improve ECU performance.

Today’s automotive software designs are increasingly targeting high capacity ECUs that incorporate extremely powerful embedded microcontrollers, and this trend continues to enable technologies for autonomous drive. To support the ongoing shift to ‘software-defined vehicles’, modern MCUs have been developed with multiple cores, enabling parallel execution of vital software functions. This change in hardware design has a significant impact on the software architecture. This session covers software design challenges for multicore devices, focusing on both application and communication bus interaction, and explores best practices to improve performance.

What you will learn:

  • How architectures impact software performance
  • Software optimization techniques for multicore ECUs
  • Implementation with AUTOSAR for efficient multicore utilization

Who should view this webinar:

  • System architects
  • Engineering management
  • AUTOSAR developers

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Emily Hooper

Digital Marketing Specialist - Integrated Electrical Systems - Siemens Digital Industries Software

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