
Check out our top aerospace resources of 2021

2021 has come and gone. Through it all, Capital, Siemen’s comprehensive E/E systems development solution, continued to help leading aerospace and defense companies with the design, manufacture, and service of their electrical systems. Also, it assisted customers by encompassing E/E system and software architectures, network communications, and embedded software development.

Check out some of the best resources for the aerospace and defense industry from the past 12 months.

1. White Paper: Maintaining profitability under pressure for aerospace wire harness manufacturers

Growing electrical wiring interconnect system or “EWIS” complexity has substantially increased the risk aircraft programs face, especially as they transition to wire harness production. At the same time, platform OEMs are required to implement more variants on the EWIS than ever before. Moreover, regulatory flight certification is more stringent than ever. Both aircraft OEMs and harness suppliers must integrate changes as they arise from improvements to electrical system designs that reduce costs and improve manufacturability, reliability and performance.

Harness manufacturers in particular must respond to these demands, as well as seek to differentiate themselves to gain competitive advantage. This paper explores a method to bring harness manufacturing into the digital age and thrive in this ever changing industry.

Download the paper here.

2.  White Paper: Applying Multi-Discipline Collaboration (ECAD/MCAD) to Reduce Program Risk

The design and manufacture of a new commercial aircraft is extremely complicated, expensive, and risky. The development can cost billions of dollars and last up to ten years before the new plane even enters service. Electronics in particular govern a majority of the critical systems in next generation planes, for instance, flight control actuation, cabin pressurization, and wing de-icing. Furthermore, cabin amenities add even more wiring due to increasing demands for entertainment and communication systems.

Despite its difficulty, electro-mechanical design and development must adhere to strict schedules. Delays in progress can cost the company millions of dollars in extra development. Relatively small production numbers leave very little room for absorbing additional cost in development. As a result, there is immense pressure to proceed as smoothly as possible.

This paper discusses how an efficient electrical-mechanical CAD (ECAD-MCAD) co-design process markedly helps design teams eliminate costly electromechanical issues during airplane design and manufacturing, maximizing early design productivity and minimizing the cost impact of follow-on change orders. Read it here.

3. White Paper: Managing change in platform electrical systems and turning it into a competitive advantage

Aerospace teams confront change in all facets of the design and manufacture of modern aircraft. Change, when managed poorly, can have an especially crippling effect when it comes to electrical system platform development. However, in the age of digitalization, change is no longer to be feared. 

This paper introduces a powerful methodology in which A&D teams can embrace change, and as a result, become more competitive. Explore the challenges A&D face today, primarily the growing complexity of electrical systems, and learn concrete examples on how the change process can benefit from a configuration-controlled electrical digital twin. 

Download this paper to learn how companies can embrace change and turn it into a decisive competitive advantage.

4. Webinar: Eliminating aerospace certification gaps utilizing the electrical systems digital twin

There is a new approach to aircraft certification! In this webinar, explore analysis tools to leverage the electrical system digital twin. Presently, the pace of aerospace innovation is staggering. The complexity of aircraft is maturing faster than ever before while the approach to aircraft certification and compliance remains archaic. Although this may be true, there is a way forward. Through use of the digital twin, engineering and manufacturing teams can design and build products better and faster than ever before. However, when developing a product that requires regulatory certification, this is only one half of the solution.

This half-hour webinar will discuss several analysis tools which leverage the electrical system digital twin to help reach design certification faster. Additionally, the connection of these tools to the digital twin helps engineering teams to validate their designs during the design phase. Watch now.

5. White Paper: A digital thread for maintenance documentation within the Aerospace and defense sector

You may notice a trend, but the growing complexity of electrical technologies is creating new challenges for technical authoring and technical publications and service departments, too. Traditional manual technical authoring and troubleshooting processes will not suffice going forward. As systems become more sophisticated, technical authors are spending more and more time investigating and gathering the foundational information they will need to produce high quality documentation.

What sort of tools will service organizations need to prepare for the challenges of service and maintenance? This white paper explores a class of new design tools focused on reducing the time and resources required to create technical documentation that reuse data directly from upstream engineering processes. Download it now.

Sarah Bartash

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