
IESF 2022 automotive conference brings together great minds and connections for a one day event

Since its inception over 20 years ago, IESF Automotive has been a must-attend event for automotive E/E design engineers and executives worldwide. Now, with the pace of innovation in overdrive, the event is more critical than ever.

IESF remains focused, as it always has, on E/E systems development. Accordingly, this including wire harness design and engineering, network design, E/E publications, and industry standards like PROSTEP, AUTOSAR, ISO26262 and KBL. Organized by Siemens Digital Industries Software, IESF Automotive will undoubtedly arm you with actionable and industry-specific insights. This year, there will be a special focus on the development of electric and autonomous vehicles. Register now for September 14th, 2022, at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan, USA, and read on to learn more!

Engage with the experts

Listening and meeting the industry’s leading voices in electrical, electronic, and embedded software design will be inspiring and educational, and engaging them can be transformative. Get answers to your thorniest problems, pressure-test your own ideas, and furthermore, spark a relationship that meaningfully expands your network.

IESF will feature two guest speakers in the general sessions. First up is former GM R&D chief and author, Larry Burns with a keynote on how driverless vehicles will change our world. This is followed later in the by Siemens Digital Industries Software CEO, Tony Hemmelgarn.

Tailor your experience

With scores of sessions to choose from, you’ll have no trouble finding content that speaks to your specific challenges. Whether you’re navigating issues of Smart Manufacturing or the adoption of AUTOSAR, orchestrating Digital Twins or accelerating innovation, the agenda is packed with fresh thinking and relevant case studies to sharpen your perspective.

Take the long view

We’re talking a lot about electric and autonomous vehicles this year, but what will we be talking about in 2023? Or in a decade? As you listen to the presenters, consider not just how their messages apply immediately, but what implications they might have over the long term. Let these insights inform how you innovate in your own organization, how you bring your business to market, and how you differentiate in a crowded field.

Bring the whole team to this FREE event! Encourage your colleagues to join you so you can most efficiently apply what you learn to your own organization, advancing your shared goals together. Attendance is complimentary and includes a breakfast, lunch, and evening cocktail reception in the expo.

The full agenda includes over 40 presentations: a mixture of keynotes, panels, workshops, and technical sessions. For example, here are some of the sessions at this one-day inspiring, educational event.

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PANEL: OEMs and Wiring Harness Manufacturers – Opportunities and Challenges

Tom Hutchison | VP of Global Electrical Engineering | Lear
Sven Neeser | Head of Development Excellence| LEONI
Eric Varton | Head of Core Engineering | Yazaki

Erica Van Berkum | Technical Project Management Manager | Siemens Digital Industries Software

Doug Burcicki | Senior Director – Automotive | Siemens Digital Industries Software

The Times They Are a-changin’ – Vehicle Wiring Architecture Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

Randy Sumner | Global Director, VES Wiring Product Line | APTIV

Eric Rowland | VP EDS Global Core Engineering | APTIV

Digitalization & design validation for highly automated harness manufacturing

Christian Infanger |Director Product Group Harness Machine| Komax

Michael Richter | Technical Product Manager | Siemens Digital Industries Software

Transform the Future with E/E Systems Development

Frances Evans |Senior Vice President – Integrated Electrical Systems | Siemens Digital Industries Software

Doug Burcicki | Senior Director – Automotive & Heavy Equipment | Siemens Digital Industries Software

Other great speakers include industry experts, markedly from General Motors, Navistar, Stoneridge, Canoo, Nexteer and many more. Beyond the presentations, you will indeed enjoy invaluable opportunities to engage with leading voices in Automotive E/E Systems Development, Wire Harness Design and Engineering. Moreover, you’ll connect and collaborate with peers; and you’ll stay on the leading edge of the rapidly evolving automotive industry. Don’t miss out, register today, and get your complimentary pass!

Sarah Bartash

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