
Vehicle network design for electric and autonomous driving


Network design tools enable rapid implementation and guarantee delivery

The vehicle Electric/Electronic (E/E) architecture contains distributed functions defined over a designed vehicle topology. Once the system functions are defined, the next stage is to distribute them across the vehicle. System functions must communicate using multiple networks within one vehicle. This webinar will focus on harmonizing the functional system design across various technical networked options and deriving a validated, resource optimized network design.

Key learnings from webinar:

  • How to implement the networks needed in today’s vehicles
  • The value of timing analysis in network design validation
  • How automation improves schedules, cut cost and increase quality

Who might be interested in the webinar:

  • Engineering managers
  • Systems architects
  • Engineers

Watch the webinar now: Advanced in-vehicle network design for electric and autonomous driving

You might also be interested in this past blog: Refine Vehicle Network Design in Digital Thread

Heather George

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at