
2012 U2U Meetings

Mentor is getting ready to kickoff this year’s regional USER2USER meetings – I hope you can find time to attend, and participate!

These meetings give you the opportunity to learn from Mentor experts, but more importantly, from other users.  You will hear other user’s present:  other design professionals that face the same challenges that you do every day.  Many engineers and designers have told me they get more out of these user presentations and the networking opportunities at U2U meetings than any other conference or tradeshow.

Ready to get involved?  Do you have a topic you could present at these meeting?  Think about doing a presentation at one of these meetings.  We are currently looking for presentations/papers for the Boston U2U meeting scheduled for May 16 at Bentley University in Waltham.  The topic could be a design challenge and how you overcame it, how to get the most out of your Mentor tools, a process that has worked for your company, etc.  If you find it interesting, chances are someone else will as well!

These are user group meetings.  They are most successful when users are doing the talking, not us Mentor folks!  I urge you to attend these meetings, and think about presenting.

For more information, and a schedule of other U2U meetings, go to, or feel free to contact me.


Author Info:
Jim Martens
ID: 16541

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