
Decoupling Analysis for Trace-Routed PDNs

Performing an accurate high-frequency analysis of a power distribution network routed with traces instead of planes poses some interesting challenges.  Most notably, the analysis engine has to be flexible enough to model complicated coupling between power and ground.  The typical assumptions made by a planar solver are no longer valid, and more sophisticated modeling must be used.  In HyperLynx, we have addressed this challenge by integrating our Full-Wave Solver technology into decoupling analysis.  In the new Advanced Decoupling Wizard, you can analyze any PDN structure.  See it in action in this video.  This includes analyzing trace-routed PDNs, PDNs with series components like ferrites, inductors, or other kinds of filters, or any other kind of PDN you might have on your PCB.  While the existing Decoupling Wizard is unmatched in performance and capacity for analyzing a “traditional” PDN, the Advanced Decoupling Wizard has the flexibility and power to analyze any PDN structure.

Patrick Carrier

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