
Accuracy in HyperLynx

I frequently get asked, “what is the maximum frequency that you can simulate in HyperLynx?”  And I usually say that it depends on what kind of models you are using.  Different components of HyperLynx have different degrees of accuracy, but the combination of our built-in trace models and the Full-Wave Solver allow for accuracy up to the 50GHz range for your PCB structures, while also allowing for the most efficient analysis time.  As I blogged last week, getting accurate models to that range typically requires a very intimate understanding of your board materials, from basic understanding of dielectric constant and loss tangent, to understanding surface roughness and the frequency variance of the material parameters.  You can read more about correlation in my recent article in PCDandF magazine.  And another important consideration is how much accuracy do you need… for perfect correlation on 50Gbs links, you will need to spend more time making sure you have to most accurate information on materials and are using advanced models when necessary.  But if you are only running at a few Gbs, you could likely get away with using the basic material parameters, ignoring surface roughness, and not using 3D models for things like vias and DC blocking caps.  Whatever your needs, HyperLynx is always committed to providing the necessary accuracy as easily as possible.

Patrick Carrier

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at