
PADS User2User meetings have begun!

I see it all the time – design engineers and designers who are way too busy to explore all the features and functionality of their design tools. Unfortunately, these undiscovered capabilities are often the very things that could make these designers more efficient and productive and help reduce job stress.

We’ve put together a series of PADS User2User events for exactly that reason – to help you become more productive when using PADS PCB design tools. Each session highlights features within PADS that you might not you have had the time to try or explore.

Attend a session near you for insight into everything from effective high-speed interactive routing, 3D and mechanical integration, quick library development, and simulation and analysis, to tips and tricks that will help you get your job done faster and better, and all in one day!

These events are sponsored by your local reseller and Mentor, a Siemens business. Come and talk to product experts, see the future direction of PADS, and network with other PADS users in your area.

Register today at


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at