
Accelerate Development Through Digitalization of Design Data

In the rapid-fire process of complex electronics development, it’s easy to lose track of design data versions and possibly outdated copies. This gets even more unmanageable with large, multi-region, multi-domain engineering organizations. Maintaining a single source of truth, a shared digital thread, throughout the design process improves quality via known-good data and reduces design cycles through managed reuse of that data.

Data Management Foundation
Data Management Foundation

At this year’s PCB Forum, we demonstrated how design teams can reduce design cycles and increase product quality through managed reuse of known-good data. If you missed out on attending one of this year’s PCB Forum sessions, you’re in luck!

The session that discussed uncovering solutions for known-good parts, known-good designs, known-good blocks, and multi-discipline enterprise integration is now available for viewing on-demand!

What You Will Learn

  • Challenges faced in managing design data
  • Best practices for design data management
  • How to reduce design cycles through reuse of known-good data

Click below to learn how to Accelerate Development Through Digitalization of Design Data.

John McMillan

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at