
Whats New in Xpedition VX.2.6 – Data Management

In the previous What’s New in Xpedition VX.2.6  blog post I presented the new FPGA/PCB Co-Design functionality that is available in Xpedition VX.2.6.  In this blog I’ll be presenting some of the key Data Management highlights.

Searching and Filtering – Xpedition now has the ability to easily find design, component, library, and supply chain data. With EDM’s web portal, users can quickly search for anything using the search bar or select a category and use facet filtering to simplify locating content. Predefined filters can also be created to reduce time to find common items. Filters can also be customized by groups or user roles so users are not overwhelmed with options that are not pertinent to their job.

Library Distribution – Managing library content for distributed design groups now has built-in automation for export and importing. Import and export queues provides process controls for automatic import of new content and export control for design, model, component, and library data. In addition, task management allows library export to be scheduled for low usage times providing minimal impact to users.

If you’d like a preview of all the What’s New in Xpedition VX.2.6 videos, please feel free to check out the What’s New in Xpedition® VX.2.6 page. You can also take a quick 7 minute tour of Xpedition® Enterprise to get a great overview of all the functionality that Xpedition has to offer. Download the latest update from Support Center.

And, be sure to check back shortly for the next entry in this series: What’s New in Xpedition – Layout

Thanks for reading!


John McMillan

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at