
Increase Designer Productivity with PDR

I hosted the webinar “Improve Product Quality and Designer Productivity with Physical Design Reuse” yesterday, and the emails I have received since have confirmed what I have known all along – what a time saver PDR is!

One designer mentioned that he does many multi-channel designs, and has been using PDR since his company purchased PADS 2 years ago, and his through-put has increased significantly because of it.  Several attendees contacted me and mentioned they didn’t know PDR could be used to re-use antennas (which was demonstrated) and other RF shapes.  They tried it right after the webinar on their designs, and wish they had known before!

The on-demand video is now available (click the title above), as well as a white paper on PADS Physical Design Reuse.  Check them out!


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at