
Custom Scripts to Increase Productivity

Many engineers and designers, no matter what tool they use, take advantage of custom scripts to help them accomplish a specific task. EDA vendors address these different ways.  Some with app stores, or “for fee” tools to develop such scripts.

PADS, on the other hand, remains an open system to allow access to the data.  Whether it’s access to the ASCII database, or directly to the data via automation methods, we let our users write the scripts they need or want.  PADS also delivers a basic programming engine to help!  A bunch of VB scripts are delivered with the software, for you to use, or use as a “template” to see how to easily modify these, or create your own.

There are also several scripts posted on the PADS Community at  And we encourage customers to post their own in the communities to help other designers.

Are you using scripts to help you design, or generate reports?  Let us know what you do.  Better yet, post the script in the PADS Community so others can benefit as well!



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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at