
Getting from Here to There in Electronic Product Design

Electronic product creation – what does it mean to you? When I ask this question to many design professionals, the response is usually something about taking their product from concept to manufacturing, having the final, physical product in hand. At the 10,000 foot level, I agree. But how did they get there? That’s where electronic product creation comes in. It’s what helps get you to that physical product!

Design is about trade offs and overcoming design challenges. In both cases, you need good information early to help you make decisions. You need the ability to do what-if analysis early in the design process to determine what are the best parts to use, what materials to use on your PCB, and what the board stack up should be. You also need to determine the correct net constraints to make sure your product performs correctly.

Will you have current density issues? Based on your placement and split-plane definition, will the FPGA on your design be starved of current?

To get that physical product in your hand in the shortest amount of time, you need task-specific design tools that provide the information needed to overcome today’s design challenges. Take a look at the Product Creation Platform at and tune in to this popular, short webinar describing just a few of the technologies that makes PADS unique among PCB design tools.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at