
Are failure-inducing signal integrity, power integrity and EMI issues going unnoticed on your PCB designs?

Can your PCB design tool alert you to via stubs that cause resonant frequency nulls? Improper termination on nets? Traces crossing splits? Or any of a multitude of different SI, PI and EMI-inducing errors that result in costly respins?

67% of projects either require a significant shift in resources to meet their release dates, or completely miss their release dates altogether. The demand for complex designs, paired with reduced product footprints means that many PCBs will likely fall victim to complicated SI, PI and EMI issues. Typical simulation tools won’t help diagnose these problems and manual inspection requires a substantial amount of time, expertise and resources. Now, with PADS Professional and HyperLynx DRC, you don’t need to be a verification expert to address this industry-wide dilemma!

Want to learn how you can beat the competition by eliminating respins and meeting your time-to-market goals with PADS Professional and HyperLynx DRC?

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Automated Rule Checking for Faster Time to Market

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at