
Signal Integrity Analysis with HyperLynx in PADS Professional

We’ve entered a time where our devices – with their increasing fast data rates and edge rates – are causing almost every signal in their PCB to behave like transmission lines. Typical design practice guidelines advise engineers and designers to reserve signal integrity simulation for high risk nets only. But what happens if you miss or skip over a problem with a non-critical net? Simple problems can go undetected until late in the design cycle causing timely and costly re-spins.

efficiently manage rule exploration, definition and validation, ensuring that engineering intent is fully achieved.
Efficiently manage rule exploration, definition and validation, ensuring that engineering intent is fully achieved.

With HyperLynx Signal Integrity analysis in the PADS Professional flow, you can quickly simulate and analyze nets in your project at any step of the design cycle. From constructing layout rules based on findings from schematic net simulations to running a final batch analysis on nets post-layout to make sure crosstalk requirements are met, HyperLynx can help raise confidence in your board’s signal integrity.

Want to learn more about the helpful features of PADS Professional’s HyperLynx Signal Integrity tool? Join our free webinar!

Shivani Joshi


One thought about “Signal Integrity Analysis with HyperLynx in PADS Professional
  • Hello
    I am PCB Design engineer working from last 7 years.From last three years worked on Power Supply. We are using Cadence Orcad 17.2.
    I need get to know Signal integrity Power Integrity and Crosstalk ,EMI and EMC and steps to follow DRC rules check for the same.
    Can i know what will be the fees structure for the same.
    Thanks and Regards

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