Build your PADS Professional library quickly

If you are looking for a fast way to build up your PADS Professional library, PartQuest is a great tool…

TLA winners: Best Design Overall

The 28th PCB Technology Leadership Award (TLA) winners have been selected!

PartQuest Update Part 3 – Footprint Creator

PartQuest Update Part 3 – Footprint Creator

With a recent update to PartQuest, users now have direct access to the PartQuest builders.  Be sure to check out…

PartQuest Updates Part 2 – Symbol Creator

PartQuest Updates Part 2 – Symbol Creator

With a recent update to PartQuest, users now have direct access to the PartQuest builders, including the Symbol Builder. Be…

PartQuest Updates Part 1 – Part Creator

PartQuest Updates Part 1 – Part Creator

With the latest release of PartQuest, users now have access to the part creator.  You can access the Part builder…

What is the best method for PCB component placement?

What is the best method for PCB component placement?

Component placement is that process that is started shortly after you have created your schematic, and you are now looking…

What is the best way to create a board outline?

What is the best way to create a board outline?

Rectangular boards are pretty straight forward.  Use the drawing tools of your given design tool and click twice and you…

How to copy a PCB circuit between designs

How to copy a PCB circuit between designs

If you read my last blog, you saw how to quickly copy and paste a circuit withing the same design. …

How to copy a PCB circuit in a multi-channel design

How to copy a PCB circuit in a multi-channel design

Depending on the PCB design software you are using, there many ways this can be done.  In an ideal world,…