A screen shot of Xpedition software showing design automation

PCB design best practices: design automation

When we think about the PCB design best practices that fall into the engineering productivity and efficiency pillar, we need…

Graphic that shows a PCB and says "Five ways to achieve pre-layout simulation with PADS Professional Premium."

Five ways to achieve pre-layout simulation with PADS Professional Premium

With increasingly advancing technology and faster edge rates in today’s integrated circuits, it’s important to find more efficient ways to…

Image showing Xpedition software with text that says Engineering productivity and efficiency

PCB design best practices pillar 2: engineering productivity and efficiency

As I outlined in my first blog, there are five pillars of PCB design best practices. The first pillar we…

An illustration showing PADS FPGA/PCB co-design on a computer screen.

FPGA/PCB co-design with PADS Professional Premium

As the complexity of today’s designs continue to increase, more electronic product designers are turning to Field Programmable Gate Arrays…

Screen shot of Xpedition showing Library and design data management

PCB design best practice: library and design data management

Another best practice of this pillar is library and design data management. And what I mean by that is how…

Illustration of a computer screen with a screen shot of the PADS Professional Premium software doing RF design

Meeting RF design challenges with PADS Professional Premium

The demand for electronics with gigahertz wireless technology, as well as IoT consumer devices have both increased dramatically. This has…

screen shot of Xpedition software showing design manufacturing collaboration

PCB design best practice: design and manufacturing collaboration

Another best practice to talk about within the digitally integrated and optimized pillar is the collaboration between design and manufacturing…

Illustration of a computer screen with text that says rigid-flex PCB design

Considerations for rigid-flex design

Rigid-flex design introduces several challenges that many of today’s design tools cannot handle. These could include: The best way to…

Screen shot of Xpedition software showing ECAD MCAD co-design

PCB design best practice: ECAD/MCAD co-design

When we think about the PCB design best practices that fall into the digitally integrated and optimized pillar, we need…