
What’s the production story? Find out with single device tracking

Traditional tracking and tracing solutions can’t keep pace with today’s single device tracking needs

Every single component or package has a story (of production). We know that tracking and tracing tell the story but what if it was never written?

More and more applications require complex multi-chip devices or systems-in-packages. This drives manufacturers to mix products in the same lot and perform different operations on each product to maximize utilization and profitability. Traditional traceability solutions are no longer sufficient – manufacturers need new ways to meet the enhanced tracking and tracing needs resulting from higher product variability without slowing down production.

But first, why is single device tracking important to semiconductor makers?

From the key profitability perspective, tracking is important to ensure product quality, reliability and performance. Higher quality demands increase the cost of non-quality and upstream suppliers are increasingly held responsible for quality-related issues.

Product complexity is also driving tracking needs at the final package as well as the sub-device level but managing multiple levels of tracking can be challenging. Without critical traceability details, manufacturers are unable to determine the root cause of multi-die chip defects.

A high-performance engine is the key to single device tracking success

Only manufacturing execution systems (MES) that leverage high-performance engines (HPE) can process the volume of data and transactions needed to offer track and trace at the flexible granularity required. HPE is more efficient because it uses bulk, not sequential, data writing to avoid slowing down.

Benefits of an MES with HPS for tracking and tracing include:

  • Grading and binning
  • Modeled business rules
  • End-to-end lot genealogy and traceability
  • Map storage solution with bin editing
  • Die level traceability

Want to learn more about advanced traceability solutions for semiconductor manufacturing? Watch the Single Device Tracking webinar.

Katie Tormala

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