
Three ways sharing data across domains in electronics manufacturing improves the entire product lifecycle

Electronics manufacturers often struggle to manage increasingly complex electronic devices and the accelerated pace of design. To remain competitive, these highly complex device manufacturers need deep collaboration across disciplines and domains. They must find ways to share data and information across the electronics design lifecycle to enable quick decisions. How do manufacturers address cross-domain collaboration and its impact on the entire electronics lifecycle management process?

Adopting digital manufacturing technology in electronics manufacturing

One solution is a lifecycle management tool that addresses requirements for all domains involved in product development. Manufacturing Enterprise Innovation Platforms (MEIPs) create an extended value chain lifecycle thread by leveraging data and sharing it in real-time with stakeholders across the product lifecycle.

1. Adapt to market changes better with integrated information flows

Effectively dealing with change is necessary for survival—today’s complex, connected products require manufacturers to evolve their businesses and enhance and accelerate their digital transformation throughout their extended enterprise ecosystems. Successful enterprises will be those that turn complexity management into their competitive advantage.

Competitive electronics manufacturers need to establish an integrated extended enterprise value chain built on an open ecosystem that fully integrates information flows and highly flexible processes. This foundational framework allows mechanical engineers, electronics designers, and others to see how variables influence everything along the electronics product lifecycle. When the manufacturers can see a broad overview alongside the technical details, they can easily and quickly adapt to product and market changes with incremental changes. 

2. Improve time to market with faster validation of electronic designs and products

End-to-end extended enterprise support is more than just transferring bill of material (BOM) items from product development to manufacturing. These complex electronic devices consist of multi-domain parts and subsystems, including mechanical, electronic, and software, and often have interdependencies across disciplines. 

With cross-domain insight, cause-and-effect knowledge, and a broad view of the collective design process, disciplines can work concurrently instead of in subsequent design cycles. Concurrent design processes reduce design iterations and speed validation, enabling complex products to get to market faster.  

3. Improving business models with technology-based tactics

The MEIP is a tailored configuration of domain-specific platforms designed to enable and optimize an enterprise’s end-to-end and complete set of lifecycle activities. Improved collaboration extends to planning and scheduling by using technical knowledge available to business domains and creating an actionable environment based on clear, concise and valid data. With this knowledge, manufacturers can start earlier during product engineering instead of later when the design is released and transferred to manufacturing.

Learn more about manufacturing enterprise innovation platforms in this ebook by CIMdata Global Leaders in PLM Consulting.

Katie Tormala

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