What’s next for electronics manufacturers? Why innovate now?

Use a comprehensive digital twin to simulate and predict set-up and material replenishment demand, and run multiple scenarios to assess the impact of staffing availability on performance. Simulation with a comprehensive digital twin will increase utilization and performance and contribute to higher margins.

Insights into successful chip development and lifecycle strategies for Semiconductors

Integrate your electrical, mechanical, and software engineering activities to enhance efficiency and productivity with Siemens Lifecycle Management for Semiconductor Devices.

Integrated product lifecyle management for electronics

Digital transformation, what is it, and why do we need it?

According to Wikipedia, “Digital Transformation is the adoption of digital technology to transform services or businesses, through replacing non-digital or…

Smart Manufacturing for Electronics

Real solutions, real results, smart manufacturing for electronics innovation today!

As we rely more heavily on electronic devices in our daily lives, we see them becoming more complex, highly customized,…

Manual processes in electronics manufacturing

Reducing Indirect Labor Costs in Manufacturing

Complexity drives the impact of hidden costs Even though electronics manufacturing is already highly automated, humans still orchestrate the operations…

Edge-to-edge semiconductor lifecycle management software

How do semiconductor companies find success with innovation?

Trends behind the smart device revolution Adapting to a changing and complex market is tough. It’s useful to know what…

Smart manufacturing enables electronics companies to address the challenges of modern manufacturing.

If your products are smart, why isn’t your manufacturing?

If your electronics business isn’t growing, it’s dying! Because of such a low barrier of entry to the industry, new…

Envision the future with smart manufacturing for electronics

Why Smart Manufacturing?

Most electronics companies have digitalized their operations piecemeal over time. This is because their processes have expanded and changed as…