What date is it?

What date is it?

“Captain’s log, stardate twenty-nine sixty-four point two.” You do not need to be a lifelong Star Trek fan to recognize…

USB – real speed

USB – real speed

I recently wrote about the USB standards and how, with each generation, increased speed has become available. This provoked some…

The wrong word

The wrong word

I have written before about my irritation with damage to the English language. Before I rant some more, I want…

The one line RTOS

The one line RTOS

I like simple things. Excessive complexity tends to annoy me. When I first started working with computers, I thought that…



One of my daughters is left-handed. This may not sound particularly unusual, but actually there are many more male left-handers…

C++ at fault

C++ at fault

I like being right. Who does not? I am also interested in programming languages. Part of their appeal is that,…



It must be 35 years or more since I first heard on Reverse Polish Notation. It is one of those…

Embedded Linux – why?

Embedded Linux – why?

I have pondered before the appropriateness of Linux for embedded applications. My initial stance was clear enough: I could see…

Thanks for the memory

Thanks for the memory

I have often read about the storage capacity of the human brain and have seen lots of statistics on the…