Brillo – a brilliant OS or a scouring pad?

Brillo – a brilliant OS or a scouring pad?

Computers have had operating systems almost since the beginning – 60 years or so anyway. Embedded systems are a bit…

Embedded software video blogging – are you interested?

Embedded software video blogging – are you interested?

When somebody asks about what I do for a job or what I enjoy doing [which can amount to much…

Developing certified embedded applications

Developing certified embedded applications

In a number of different fields – notably medical, military, avionics, industrial and automotive – there is an increasing focus…

Real time operating systems: black box or open source?

Real time operating systems: black box or open source?

Most of the software that most of us use most of the time is obtained as a binary executable. The…

The most ubiquitous software on the planet

The most ubiquitous software on the planet

Software is an interesting kind of product. The most complex artifacts that humankind has ever made are items of software….

Embedded articles: RTOS performance, dev tools, memory utilization, debugging

Embedded articles: RTOS performance, dev tools, memory utilization, debugging

I have finally caught up and this is the last aggregation of recent articles. From now on, all being well,…

Embedded World next week: hear me on RTOS performance and self-testing

Embedded World next week: hear me on RTOS performance and self-testing

The largest event in the world of embedded systems takes place in Nuremberg, Germany on Tuesday-Thursday next week. Embedded World…

Let’s hear it for industrial automation!

Let’s hear it for industrial automation!

Although I doubt that many engineers habitually view things this way, marketing folks like to divide the world into sectors….

More embedded articles: shared code, low level device access, selecting an OS, and using non-volatile memory

More embedded articles: shared code, low level device access, selecting an OS, and using non-volatile memory

I have almost completed the job of cataloging my articles that have been published at Here are another four,…